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How to Pick Your Hashtag

I don’t know if you ever used the word Hashtag before Twitter but we all started to use it pretty often afterwards. Hashtags are the tools that Social Media Platforms use to channel the traffic. If you are interested to see fish, #fish would channel you to the fish. Simply the hashtag system works like that.



Importance of #Hashtags

Main reason that we all like hashtags is that they increase the customer engagement with brands. When your customers use your hashtag they feel like they are a part of your brand. An engaged customer is a brand advocate which is extremely valuable for your brand.  When you use hashtags on Twitter you make your content easy to share. No matter if it is a generic or specific to your industry putting a hashtag into your content increases the customer engagement.


The Devil is in the Detail

Statistics show us Tweets with hashtags gets double engagement than those without hashtags. BUT you have to stop yourself when you have 2 hashtags on your content. We know it feels good when you have more hashtags but tweets with one or two hashtags have 21% higher engagement than the ones with more than two.  


Instagram Hashtags

On the other hand, Instagram doesn’t care about the number of hashtags you are using. The more hashtags you use, the more traffic you get and also you can use emojis as hashtags on Instagram. So you can be more creative selecting your hashtag.  


Facebook Hashtags

Facebook Hashtags are quite problematic for marketers. This is why you might need a social hub to get a better use of Facebook hashtags for your brand.



Picking the Hashtag

There are three things you must pay attention when you are picking a hashtag;


  • Emotional Appeal

What emotions you want your customers to feel when they are thinking about your brand? You have to pick a feeling that you want your customers to feel when they think about your brand.


  • Word Play

Language is something you can play with. So be creative, use word plays. You have to consider your target group when you are doing this otherwise, they might not understand the play.


  • Actionability

No matter how good is the hashtag, it is useless if it doesn’t suit you. You have to pick something you can work with, something hasn’t been used by others and also something you can create content with.



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