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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about Social Media Hubs

Social Media Hub is a strategy to aggregate, harmonise and display the content. No matter if you are a marketing professional or a self-employed marketer who handles his/her own brand’s marketing you can find a way to benefit from Social Media Hubs. Let’s see what are the frequently asked questions (FAQs) about Social Media Hubs.



What is a Social Media Hub?


Social Media Hub is an approach of aggregating the social feed from the most popular social media platforms altogether and gives you the ability to use user generated content and brand generated content in a harmonised way which motivates your customers to post more about your brand. It can be utilised for brand marketing and content marketing campaigns.  


What Can a Social Media Hub Do?


The simplest feature of a social media hub is to aggregate the social feed from the most popular social media platforms. So it is a platform to help your customers check your social activity easier and it helps you to connect multiple social media networks. If you aren’t posting the same content on every social media account you have, you might find it pretty useful.


What Kind of Purposes Can We Use Them For?


The first reason to use a Social Media Hub is filtering the information you want your customers to see. Ofc you can’t make them disappear on social media but you can control which post you want to display on your website and which one you don’t. The second one is, it gives you the freedom to display it wherever you like. On your web page, on an indoor screen anything you can come up with.


Can We Moderate The Social Feed?


The main point of a social media hub is to give you the ability to customize the social feed. It doesn’t mean that you would customize what people say about your brand but you can control which one to display. You can also highlight any post by pinning it on top.



How Can We Display the Content?


Displaying the content is up to your imagination. You can use them on your web page, on an indoor screen, wherever you would like. You will simply set up the social media accounts or hashtags, customize the feed and you are ready for the action.


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