Q&A: What are Some Good-Working Social Media Strategies for Hotel Marketing?
What are some good-working social media strategies for hotel marketing?
It is very important for hotels to utilise social media effectively, however, the most important thing is to orchestrate all channels efficiently to reach more customers.
There are many old school techniques for hotel marketing but some new strategies can help you to stand out from the crowd. These all techniques are focused on the quality of your service and engagement with your guests.
Here what you can do for your hotels
Online reputation
Online reputation is the most crucial thing in the hospitality business. Websites such as TripAdvisor must be in your daily list to check. If you could answer the posts about your hotel it would be even better. Your information and pictures there must also be kept up-to-date.
Customer Engagement and Reach
The main reason we are all using Social Media for business is increasing customer engagement and reach. So you have to find ways to motivate your customers to become followers of your Social Media accounts and posting about your hotel. The more people talk about your hotel the more visibility you will gain on Social Media. This is one of the most must-to-have strategies that the hospitality industry investing in.
Swarm and Foursquare
Check-in platforms are also pretty useful for your business. If your customers are needed to be motivated you can offer them small treats.
Displaying Social Media posts on your Website via Publing
Social Media Displays are proven useful for many hotels. You can place a Social Media Display on your website and display customer-generated content with the brand-generated content.
This used to be an expensive solution for hotels a couple of years ago, however, it has been made easy and affordable using a widget without any need for software development.
An addition to this would be showing your customers these posts to motive them to post when they arrive at your hotel. Guess where? Wi-Fi homepage is a good way for the first touch.
Displaying Customer-Generated Social Media posts on Indoor Screens
By using Publing you are able to display the Social Media Feed not only on your website but also on any platform you like. Indoor screens are among possible places to display your Social Feed and show your customers what they say about your hotel really matters. Offer them 15 seconds of fame and drive them to post about your hotel.
If you want to read more about Social Media marketing for hotels you might find this article very useful. Check it out, How to increase Customer Satisfaction via Social Feed
The question was asked on Quora and answered on 2017, January 23. Please check out the other answers